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DIY Experience Pack Store

Looking for a dynamite new way to spend some time with your grandkids?

Gather them up and try out one of our theme-based, downloadable DIY Experience Packs! Each Experience is specially designed to bring grandparents and their grandkids together as they explore an activity or idea in a unique, fun-filled way.

Every DIY Experience Pack includes:


  • a complete materials list and fun, step-by-step instructions

  • relatable family anecdotes from past Camp Grandmas

  • links to helpful resources

  • space to record and remember all the special memories your family makes

  • The Grand Connections Factor, a guide developed to help you get the most out of each Experience





highlights the specific bonds you

and your grandchildren will build during the Experience

Search by topic and age to find just the right Experience for your family!

Check back often...we're always working on new Experience Packs. 


Grand Connections - we bring the fresh ideas, you bring the love (and the grandkids)!



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one DIY Experience Pack!


Keep an eye out for this DIY Experience Pack we're working on...

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